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At St. Francis of Assisi Church, we strive to be a beacon of hope and spirituality for all seeking comfort, community, and growth in their faith. Your generous contributions help us continue our mission to provide vital programs and services that benefit our parishioners and the broader community. 

Your donations make a real difference, from outreach and support to families in need to hosting youth activities, facilitating enriching education classes, and maintaining a welcoming space for worship. Contributing to our church is an impactful way to foster compassion and service, reflecting our shared values. Thank you for considering supporting our vibrant and growing church community.

How to give

Through Faith Direct, you can support our parish using electronic funds transfer from either a bank account or credit/debit card, just as you may do now with your mortgage payment, cable bill, or other expenses.

To access, start here: Faith Direct

Follow these steps:

  • From your smartphone screen, create a new message.
  • Click the “To:” field and enter the phone number: 919-6291199.
  • Enter the dollar amount you want to donate.
  • Tap the link to complete your gift.
  • Register your credit/debit card.

You will only need to register once. Save this phone number as a contact in your phone to make future giving fast and easy.

An increasing number of parishioners are making arrangements through online banking to make donations to the parish. Parishioners with their bank, arrange this method of giving. The parish receives a check from their bank, usually weekly or monthly.

A donation of cash or check weekly or monthly has been the more traditional method of giving. If you are still interested in receiving envelopes to give through this method, contact the parish or mail your contributions to:

St Francis of Assisi
11401 Leesville Road
Raleigh, NC 27613

Tap and Give

  • Select the amount you wish to GIVE: $5, $10, $20

  • When you see a single, solid LED light on the amount you wish to give, Tap your card once.

  • Transaction Approved: A single long beep indicates that your card has been read properly. The second single beep indicates the transaction has been approved. There is some delay between these two beeps.

  • Transaction Declined: Four consecutive beeps indicate that the transaction has been declined.

Register your Card:

To have your donations be identifiable. Register the last four digits of your card by visiting

The mission of the Bishops Annual Appeal is to proclaim the gospel, serve our communities, and educate the next generation-all while spreading hope and love

Click here to give:


Vincent and Marie Clark believe in strong traditional values, education, and attending to the needs of those less fortunate. In that spirit, this endowment will provide scholarship funds to students with financial limitations currently enrolled or who have the desire to attend The Franciscan School and who embody their work ethic, generosity, and fortitude.

To ensure that The Franciscan School (TFS) will encourage and welcome diversity of ethnicity through financial aid to students based on financial need. In that spirit, this endowment will provide funds to minority students with financial needs currently enrolled or who have the desire to attend TFS. This aid is in the form of reduced tuition. The funds from this endowment go directly to TFS of offset the cost of tuition.

This fund enables The Franciscan School (TFS) to provide financial aid to students based on financial need. This aid is in the form of reduced tuition. The funds from this endowment go directly to TFS to offset the cost of tuition.

The Shiring family believes in strong traditional values, education, and attending to the needs of those who are less fortunate. In that spirit, this endowment will provide scholarship funds to students with financial limitations currently enrolled or who desire to attend The Franciscan School and embody their work ethic, generosity, and fortitude.

This fund enables The Franciscan School (TFS) to provide financial aid to students based on financial need. This aid is in the form of reduced tuition. The funds from the endowment go directly to TFS to offset the cost of tuition. Distribution will be on an annual basis unless otherwise communicated.

The Szulik family believes in strong traditional values, education, and attending to the needs of those who are less fortunate. In that spirit, this endowment will provide scholarship funds to students with financial limitations currently enrolled or who have a desire to attend The Franciscan School and who embody their work ethic, generosity, and fortitude.

Robert Camp believed in the Franciscan tradition of Catholic education and attending to the needs of those who are in financial need. In that spirit, this endowment will provide scholarship funds to students with financial need currently enrolled or who have a desire to attend The Franciscan School, a ministry of the Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi and who embody the Franciscan tradition.

To provide financial aid to St. Francis of Assisi Preschool students based on need. This aid is in the form of reduced tuition. The funds from this endowment go directly to the Catholic Community or St. Francis of Assisi Preschool to offset the cost of tuition.

To provide tuition financial support for students at St. Francis of Assisi Preschool who are disadvantaged (Federal Definition) and United States Citizens.

To provide financial support for St. Francis of Assisi Preschool as a source of funding to be used for tuition assistance for families with financial need.

Created upon erection of the Columbarium in 1996, funds from this endowment will be strictly used for the following: 1) Perpetual care of the Columbarium, including maintenance, administration, and ordinary landscaping of the parish, excluding athletic fields; 2) Construction of Columbarium expansions; 3) Ministries related to death and bereavement.

This fund enables St. Francis of Assisi Church to develop an ongoing program of training, formation, and education for our lay ministers, such as sending them to conferences and education events and hosting such events at the parish.

This Chair will provide leadership for the Parish’s mission of Peace and Justice and enable the parish to develop an ongoing program of grants to parishioners of ministries in the areas of Peace and Justice education, service, and advocacy. It’s named after Fr. David J. McBriar, O.F.M. in recognition of his gifts of education, service, and advocacy both to the Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, as well as to the larger civic and ecclesial communities.

This endowment will be used to ensure that the Franciscan tradition is passed down through the generations and enable the parish to develop an ongoing program of spiritual enrichment, faith formation, and education in the Franciscan tradition through stories, lectures, pilgrimages, and missions. It is named after Fr. Mark G. Reamer, O.F.M., in recognition of his gifts of leadership and Franciscan spirituality to the Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi and the larger civic and ecclesial communities.

This fund establishes The Mark G. Reamer, O.F.M. Endowment for Leadership Development in Catholic Education. This endowment will be used to ensure that the youth of our parish are developed as leaders in Catholic Education to foster faith, service, and leadership within the parish. It will support catechists in forming disciples of Jesus Christ. Faculty and pastoral staff will deepen their knowledge and practice of Catholic Social Teachings. Also, it provides opportunities to develop leadership of our youth as leaders within the Catholic Church. It is named after Fr. Mark G. Reamer, O.F.M., in recognition of his gifts of leadership and Franciscan spirituality, both to the Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi, as well as to the larger civic and ecclesial communities.

To donate to one of the above endowments, please visit the Diocese of Raleigh website. You can also contact the Diocese at: 

4700 Homewood Court, Suite 320
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27609

Phone: 919/568-1065