Liturgical Ministries
The Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people” (1 Pt 2:9) is there right and duty by reason of their baptism” (SC 14). Gifted and called by God, liturgical ministers serve the liturgical needs of the Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi in the following ways:
Altar Servers assist the priest in the preparation of the altar, the prayers spoken by the priest, and any other items necessary to conduct the liturgy. Altar Servers vest in an alb, which will be provided.
Requirements: Rising 5th graders through High School, must be trained at St. Francis of Assisi.
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically a minimum of once per month. An annual formation/training is also required.
Contact: Joanie Madormo | 440-364-9597 |
Volunteers help maintain the worship space, Holy Water fonts, altar, linens, and other liturgical items.
Contact: Beverly Saunders | 919-846-5795
Children’s Liturgy of the Word are volunteers that ensure that the assembly’s children (ages 4-6) experience meaningful, inspirational, and spiritual celebrations of the Liturgy of the Word through careful, reflective planning, and preparation by our lay presiders.
Contact: Jackie Kelly | 919-896-6297
Each week a group of volunteers meets to sort and count the donations received during the prior week, including the weekend mass collections. The count team is charged with ensuring the accuracy and transparency of our count process. It also serves as our first step in demonstrating our good stewardship over the donated funds. Between 8-10 volunteers are desired to conduct the count. While the count team has an important mission, it also can be a great opportunity to meet and socialize with other parishioners.
Time Commitment: About one hour each week. Ideally we would like to have enough volunteers to form multiple rotating teams. If you cannot commit to a weekly schedule, that is not a problem. We have members who volunteer every week, every other week, once a month, whatever works best for your schedule.
Contact: Rob Neppel | 919-847-8205 ext 243
Being a Cross Bearer is an excellent way to share your time and talent with this community and play a very important role in the Mass, from the processional hymn to the recessional.
Requirements: Able to carry cross for extended period and climb altar steps.
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically, once to twice per month. Ongoing formation and training required, minimum annually.
Contact: Joseph Randazzo | 410-841-4817
The Environment and Arts ministry enhances the worship space by connecting the parishioners to the message of the Gospel through flowers, candles and fabric based on the liturgical season. The group also cares for the sanctuary greenery with weekly watering.
Contact: Theresa Baumgartner | 919-802-8595 |
Eucharistic Ministers serve the people of God with Holy Communion. At. St. Francis this ministry consists of multiple ministers serving both species (consecrated Bread and Wine) as needed at each liturgy. In addition, EMs also bring the Holy Eucharist to those who cannot attend Sunday liturgies at St. Francis: the homebound, hospitalized and residents of retirement communities and nursing homes.
Requirements: Formed in eucharistic theology, trained in procedures at St. Francis, and must be 16 years old.
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically once to twice per month. An annual formation/training is also required.
Contact: Jim Wahl |
Upcoming Trainings:
- Sunday, November 10 2024 | 1pm-2:30 pm
- Tuesday, November 12 2024 | 6:30pm-8pm
- Sunday February 9 2025 | 1pm-2:30 pm
- Tuesday, February 11 2025 | 6:30pm-8 pm
- Sunday, June 1 2025 | 1pm-2:30 pm
- Tuesday, June 2025 | 6:30pm-8 pm
Hospitality Ministers serve as greeters and ushers at all weekend liturgies. They are the first ministers that people often encounter at St. Francis and help to ensure that we are experienced as a welcoming community.
Requirements: Open to all adults and youth (requires parental supervision).
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically, once to twice per month. An annual liturgical formation is required.
Contact: Joe Czejkowski |
The Lector is a minister who proclaims God’s Word at Mass and other liturgies. Through study, prayer, and discernment, Lectors are challenged with giving voice to God’s healing and strengthening Word as it goes forth irrevocably to the ends of the earth, achieving the purpose of which God sent it.
Requirements: Baptized Catholic in good standing, formed in Sacred Scripture, noted skills in public speaking, trained in procedures at St. Francis.
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically, once per month. An annual formation/training is also required.
Contact: Mike Wrzesien | 919-624-1592 |
Working closely with the priest, the MC coordinates and oversees all lay ministers of the Liturgy, ensuring that the liturgy is conducted with “decorum, order, and devotion” (GIRM 106).
Requirements: Commissioned Eucharistic Minister, trained in MC responsibilities.
Time Commitment: Schedule depends on liturgy(ies) served. Typically, once to twice per month. Ongoing formation and training required, minimum annually.
Contact: Jim Wahl |
Meeting with and preparing our engaged couples to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony through information sessions and sharing from our experiences of marriage.
Contact: Martina Dumberger |
We are all called to musical ministry in the liturgy by participating in the songs and hymns of the Mass. However, some people have received the gift of musical leadership, and this is best served by participating as a singer or instrumentalist. St Francis of Assisi has a robust music ministry, consisting of many choirs and ensembles.
Requirements: Discernment of musical gifts may require an audition or initial meeting.
Time Commitment: Time commitment varies depending on choir/ensemble. Most groups rehearse and serve three times per month.
Contact: Jim Sutton |
Our mission is to engage Catholics in the active discernment of our Church about women and the diaconate. We encourage and advocate the leadership of women in the Church in light of the Synodal Process. We are dedicated to increasing the visibility of women in church while staying open to the wisdom, experience, and insights of women in all areas of ministry.
Contact: Gladys Whitehouse
Wedding Coordinators are important ministers who work closely with the Priest/Deacon and musician to ensure that weddings are conducted with decorum and beauty. They are responsible for leading the wedding rehearsal with the bridal party as well as setting up and coordinating the wedding itself.
Time Commitment: Training (mentor based) and minimal participation based on wedding needs… two times per quarter
Contact: Jan Wrzesien |