Our faith calls us to help the poor, the immigrant, the stranger, those who hunger and thirst, and the prisoner. As it relates to the latter, it is a delicate balance when considering societal ills,…
“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to…
At St. Francis of Assisi, the primary focus of formation is the education of families in the Catholic faith and the development of faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Two keystones of these faith formation programs…
Mary has a special place in the life of the Church. Yet, her role can seem confusing to both members of the Catholic Church and those who are Christians of other traditions or unfamiliar with…
It was very early in Catholic Church history when deacons, bishops, and presbyters were understood to hold a special place in the community. According to the Archdiocese of Newark website’s article on the diaconate in…
Every summer, parents search for ways to get their children some experiences during their summer break that are engaging and interesting. What is more interesting than our faith and more engaging than the chance to…
At St. Francis, we all have heard of and perhaps participated in the listening sessions associated with the upcoming Synod in the Church. The ‘Synod on Synodality’ is a three-year process of listening and dialogue…
As we enter summer at St. Francis, it isn’t just a change of season but a change in our pastoral presence. We bid Father Alex a fond farewell and much good fortune as he leaves…
St. Francis of Assisi’s founding was parishioner-driven, and even though our first pastor was a Jesuit, St. Francis and the Franciscan Mission have been the moving forces in our parish since its inception. Even the…
When discussing evangelization, Monsignor Michael Clay notes that in 1970, “Alvin Toffler’s book, Future Shock, described why and how our world was rapidly changing and what we could expect the future to look…